Friday, June 29, 2012

Early AM Practice at Ellison

Practiced with two new discs: Innova StarPlastic Valkyrie and Innova StarPlastic Firebird, not much luck with either forehand or backhand...
: Better forehand drives with Innova TeeBird and SideWinder
: Backhand approaches (from 100 ft - 150 ft) still need work, all to the right or late hyzer curve...
: Started to practice S approaches (high release, tilted down righthanded backhand // that has the disc move first to the right then slightly hyzers to the left, like a "S") from 50-100 ft rather than all hyzer curve. I was working on approaching the basket without overcompensating on the right to curve the disc left to the target. With an "S" approach, I am trying to zig-zag the disc by curving it right, then curving it left slightly to approach the basket on the right, with a skip to the pole, rather than from it...
> After about 5 approachs from about 80ft out, I sunk the approach putt with Champion Valkyrie (!), then sunk 40ft putt with TeeBird (!) =WOW!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Rochester : Wed Singles League: Week #9 : Marella

Second Time at Basil Marell, I really appreciate the technical elements of the course
I mostly used my Innova SideWinder and TeeBird for Drive & Approach, and the Innova Champion Valkyrie for Overhand Recovery shots over and out of trees, and Innova Dart for Putts.
I had better drives and improved backhand approaches but I missed too many 10 ft -15 ft putts.
I also missed a birdie opportunity on basket #12 (180 ft downward with small trees, creek is about 10 ft behind basket)

Result : 75; (record of 6 par holes!, reduced score by 2 throws, no lost discs!)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Rochester : Wed Singles League: Week #8 Parma

This was second time at the Parma course. I enjoy the course very much, but sometimes it is difficult to follow holes. I stayed reasonably competitive (+1 over the scores of the other players on the card)
I had some nice drives & approaches & very good putts;  Sometimes it is frustrating that two of my drives equal the same distance as some player's first throw. I also need to put the three types of throws together consistently : Drive, Approach, Putt.

Final Score: 77

Highlights: Basket #5 starts in a forest, then comes out to a field (120ft) and the basket is probably another 240ft away; I had a nice long approach to basket (my 3rd shot since I had trouble getting out the forest) with Innova Star TeeBird; but then I lost it in water at hole 6 (/later returned/)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Rochester : Wed Singles League: Week #7 Chili

This was my third time to Widener Park / Chili: My objective was to get 3's (par) and 4 's (bogeys), and reduce the longest hole (>900 ft) to 6.
I lost my blue innova star valkyrie in the woods/swamp around Basket #8 and innova champion monach in the woods around basket #12; I ended with a score of 80, from previous round of 85

However I calculated the score wrong (really received a 82). So, I learned that when the score is calculated wrong, there is a +2 throw penalty added to the core: thus I ended with a 84.

Thus my final result was 2 lost discs, and a similar score for my troubles.

Note: Innova pink Monarch was found.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Rochester Wed Singles League: Week #6 / Ellison

Back to Ellison to start the next cycle of 5 courses...
I wanted to break 70, ended with 71. Mostly used my forehand throw and blue valkyrie, I really need to work on backhand for approaches: No birdies this time